Optional object property access
Photo by Hannah Joshua on Unsplash Options: they aren't just for day traders any more! I just read a post by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer about null and undefined ( link to article ). Here's a summary of some of the more interesting items about optional object property access and the nullish coalesce operator. The ?. operator is equivalent to "if the property exists, return it else return undefined". You can chain the ?. operator for nested objects: it will return undefined the first chance it gets. The ?? operator is like the `or` operator (||) except that it only passes through null and undefined. Examples: The ?. operator is equivalent to "if the property exists, return it else return undefined". let obj = { foo: 42 }; obj?.address // undefined obj?.foo //42 You can chain the ?. operator for nested objects: it will return undefined the first chance it gets. let users = [ { name: 'Tom', address: { line1: '1234 Main St.', line2: { city: '...