
Showing posts from August, 2017

JavaScript lessons learned - 1 minute read

Here’s a lesson I learned the hard way. When using Date.parse(), use this format: Date.parse(‘03 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000’);.  Even better, if you don’t need time zone information use Date.UTC (e.g. Date.UTC(2020,11,3,00); so there’s no chance for ambiguity). **Why?** This works on some browsers: Date.parse(‘11-03-2020’).  It’ll probably work on your desktop.  But it *won’t* work consistently, especially on mobile, and it’s a pain to troubleshoot.

Delay startup items on a Mac - 2 minute read

I like Slack, but it's taking up too many resources on startup (maybe I should have gotten the SSD . . . ). I'm all about making things work automatically and better, so here's how to save yourself some clicking: Open Automator. Set the document type to 'application.' Under Actions / Utilities, add a Pause step. Under Actions / Utilities, add a Launch Application step. Save the automation to your Applications directory. Set the automation you just made to run at startup  ( System Preferences -> Accounts -> Login items). That's it!